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28 settembre 2012 5 28 /09 /settembre /2012 19:12

This is a video to focused on the "tattoo story" between Kat and Ville in Killing Loneliness (US version) video by HIM.

Ville Valo got Edgar Allan Poe's eyes on his back while he was on tour and it was done by Kat von D and her ex husband, Oliver Peck.

I hope you like it!

Feel free to comment :)

This is a video to focused on the "tattoo story" between Kat and Ville in Killing Loneliness (US version) video by HIM. Ville Valo got Edgar Allan Poe's eyes on his back while he was on tour and it was done by Kat von D and her ex husband, Oliver Peck. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment :)

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